Three aspects of science

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Evolution verses God and science

There are three aspects
involved, evolution, God and science. We all know that operational science, that is research and building in the present, is true and fully acceptable to creationists evolutionists and ID'ists. Evolutionists always try to make out that creationists and ID proponents are "anti-science", but this is a deliberate lie, as evolutionists are trying to protect their claim of being scientific, in spite of being mainly assumptions of an historical nature. There are assumptions in the dating of artifacts and fossils, and now the speed of light and therefore radioactive decay, has been shown to have been faster in the past, further compounding the errors.

The total lack of the thousands of intermediates that should be in the fossil record means that claims of evolutionary decent have to leap huge gaps, to make unbelievable connections, with vaguely similar fossils, but without going back to study the live animals you cannot tell if they could possibly be related. Now the scientists are proving that similarity of appearance does not necessarily show relatedness, as the DNA can show vast differences that disprove any relationship. This means that the evolutionary claims of relatedness, so far, are totally unfounded, and should never be believed, just hype and bluff to make you think they have some evidence to support their fondly held religious belief.

Therefore it is patently obvious that the perpetual evolutionist claim that it is "science verses God" (who created science), is a deliberate distortion of the truth. Evolution is assumptions about the past using science, but ignoring science if doing so makes a better sounding story to support their religiously held belief. The teaching of lies in school textbooks is a disgusting evolutionist practice, the peppered moth proves stasis, we don't have vestigial organs, Haeckel's embryo drawings were proved false at the time (1876 approx) and many more.

Evolution is stories and theories about the past which we cannot test for the most part, as we are not now there, and the past is out of reach of science, which can only test in the present. Even the oldest artifacts tested in the present don't tell us anything of evolution. What the fossils do tell us us that they have always bred after their own kind. Ancient fossils often match up perfectly with living species, but many seem to have become extinct. As science is finding out, just because they may be claimed to look as if they may be related, when the DNA is properly investigated there are so many differences that they are shown to be unrelated. Therefore the practice of evolutionists in linking those of similar appearances as being evolutionary descendants, is scientifically invalid, this disposes of all claims of evolutionary decent, not that there was any actual evidence of intermediates to show evolutionary progress, but spurious claims abound.

Artifacts and writings from the past have been found, shedding some light on conditions, beliefs and the state of civilisations of the past, but the time before that has to be deduced from other things, and the deductions are out of the field of science, which does not deal with assumptions about the past, but only facts that can be tested in the present, and tests on objects from the past.

If some of our assumptions and calculations are incorrect, our answers will be incorrect. It has been clearly shown that some of the scientific calculations are based on assumptions that are vastly in error. For instance the half life of carbon 14 14C is fairly short and should all break down and be undetectable after 50,000 years, and yet it is always found in coal, and even in diamonds, supposedly of great age. Diamonds have such a tight latticework that 14C could not enter or leave it, so it must have been in the diamond when it was formed. This makes a mockery of the claims of billions of years for the age of the earth, even millions is too high.
The science of measuring the radio activity is accurate, and measuring the decay rates in the present is accurate. However scientists are now starting to admit that the speed of light is not a constant, but has slowed down, and as it is in all radiometric measurements all the dating of past events based on the radiometric calculations are in error. Calculations of the speed of light from when first measured until the present show that it fits a decay curve which was very steep at first, possibly starting as almost instantaneous, but is now nearing its minimum speed.

As humans we have over two thousand genetic defects in each if us, many are identified by the diseases they cause, most are of no consequence unless paired with the same defect from both parents.
This is evolution in progress, mutation, copying mistakes, extra copy of a gene, all working in the main direction of evolution, always downhill, always losing or destroying information, but never producing some complete new useful attribute. Some attribute that is only partly formed will probably be a hinderance, and without a use it will soon be deleted from the gene pool, as the probability of being completed to some useful extent is astronomically small. However evolution, according to Darwin, proceeds by numerous small steps, but research shows that small steps are useless and soon die out. Downs Syndrome is an example of the accidental making one extra copy of a gene, extra copies are disastrous. Evolutionists theorise that an extra copy can hang around in a species for generations, until it is accidentally found a use, but don't take into account that it will quite likely destroy the entity or its offspring as the genes have to pair up to get a viable offspring. Plants and bacteria can cope better with extra copies, but still remain within their basic species, though some plants may appear different.

By careful manipulation plants, animals and even bacteria can be bred to get some variation that we consider an improvement in beauty, strength or in useful processes, but there is a limit for each. Roses are still roses with thorns, but some day a scientist may delete the specification for thorns, but they will still be roses, nothing new added, just information deleted. Adaption in bacteria mosquitoes etc to cope with exposure to pesticides or disinfectants is, so far, the loss of the ability to produce something or to limit its production, which by chance gives some immunity, not an increase in complexity for some new thing that gives immunity. Bacteria can pass plasmids between them, so one can obtain something that is new to it, but it is not something new, as it was in some other species from the beginning.

This special breeding is by applying intelligence and research which is science in the here and now to what we have in the present, and is fully compatible and supported by creationists and ID proponents, because it is true research, and not dependent on the misleading theories of evolution, which are assumptions of an historical nature, not of science, made after totally excluding the possibility of there being a God who created, so a possible truth is excluded, and therefore the truth of our history may never be known to them.
Science shows us the many wonderful things we have on earth and in galaxies, by what we can see and measure in the present, and then make assumptions and research further to see if we are correct, but the distant past is still based on assumptions and our theories could change suddenly on a new understanding.

Scientists are very loath to change their understanding particularly those who hold to a great age for the earth and random evolution, so when Halton Arp made his findings on anomalies in the "red shift" public, they were upset as it destroyed some of their pet theories of the great ages of the "big bang" and galactic systems. Others also found serious anomalies, but when Halton published more examples he was banned from the main telescopes because his data was so convincing that the whole red shift and distance measurement based on red shift would destroy the present scientific theories. The minds closed up to avoid what is now known to be true. Truth will always be excluded if it upsets evolutionary views.

God already knows all the science so it doesn't surprise him, but he can guide those scientists who ask for guidance. Science supplies information to evolutionists, and evolutionists supply assumptions to scientists for evaluation and to theorise what may have happened in the past. Since evolutionists start with the rule that God cannot be considered, they cannot get any enlightenment from him. If God did create, just as the Bible states then nearly all their assumptions are wrong, and they will never prove the things they believe in. They will find fossils and make assumptions about past creatures, plants etc, that perished long ago. They will make up amazing stories and descriptions based on one or two bits of bone. Even an extinct pigs tooth spun a great and convincing yarn, in defiance of science, as there was no way that such information could be gleaned from one old tooth. This story making is repeated over and over to help evolutionists feel comfortable about their theory, and continue in the hope of finding some factual support some day in the distant future.

The real debate is not science verses God, but evolution verses science and God, its two to one against evolution. God demands truth, science should find truth, evolution makes mainly fairy stories about historical things, archeology, paleobiology and paleoanthropology find evidence about the past, but then probably someone spins fairy stories to make it suit evolutionary theory, irrespective of the scientific evidence. Creationists start with what God said, so we don't have to change our opinions and claims. Though we might not understand some things, as science hasn't researched all the relevant data, but in the end it will all turn out the way God said that it was from the beginning through to the end, which He has predicted. Come Lord Jesus!!

See triangle 1 bmp

This web site operated by:-Alfred.

Comments, criticisms and suggestions gratefully received. It helps to know what people want to know about.

URLs with scientific information on the subject or guidance not based on hype.

True Origins.
The web site, True Origins, has a strong scientific basis covering the source of life, thermodynamics, biological origins, and includes many science references for most of the articles. Some of the research quoted within research papers on trueorigins is done by evolutionists who try to fit the data into evolution, and are puzzled because it often does not fit the theory, so some fanciful story telling is done to make it seem OK. However, the research papers on true origins usually show how it fits in logically, in accordance with the rules of science, which usually supports creation more than evolution.

If you have been snubbing God because you believe in evolution, you need to read about the many things that show that evolution cannot happen. One good evidence is the tiny acid driven rotary motor that is in every cell of your body, to produce ATP, from ADP, the cells energy fuel. Read "ATP The perfect Energy Currency for the Cell", and other evidence at:-

True Origin -Fascinating, easily understood data on evolution's problems. Presents the creationist side of the debate. Includes many articles and audio and video files of debates and discussions on the issue. Extensive scientific and general interest Articles, showing how well most science and fossils fit into the biblical perspective. Comments on evolutions problems and National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and Teaching about Evolution. A section on creation/evolution and some articles on prophesy, some of which is still ahead of us, showing that someone back then knew the future.

About family life and values:-
Focus on Family values - Guidance for a good life style, that is based on good principles.

Above Rubies -See the latest experiences and testimonies at Above Rubies.

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This web page operated by:- Alfred

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